Superenduro PRO4 Sauze d’Oulx 2 days to the start


Hi everybody from Sauze d’Oulx!


Missing 2 days at the start of this exciting stage of Superenduro and many are the bikers who have already put the wheels on the fantastic courses of Sauze: French, Slovenians, Italians, all enthusiastic of the incredible work done by the Superenduro staff! Even Nicolas Vouilloz was today on the tracks, toghether with Karim Amour, to choose the best line for the race and we clearly did not miss the chance to give him a couple of questions about his impressions and to shoot his run!

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Meanwhile entries are still coming in through the Superenduro website and so the race office managment decided to keep open the entry form until tomorrow noon.
From tomorrow afternoon, you have to be in Sauze not to miss the opening ceremony of the Vibram MTB Enduro of the Nations. At 18.00 the 13 teams will take to the streets of the town and the event will officially begin.

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Who will take home the beautiful trophy, handcrafted by local sculptor Maurizio Perron? You will have to wait until Sunday evening to find out!
Here is the map of paths to date with all the signs of the special transfers.

Mappa Speciali Sauze 2011_ITA.graffle

Stay tuned for the next updates!