The Piancavallo PRo race has been canceled



The Athletic Association Superenduro is very upset to announce the cancellation of the PRO race of Piancavallo that should have been running on 23 and 24 July. The cancellation was communicated to us unexpectedly and untimely by the local asd FREE DESIRE, by phone highlighting the lack of professionalism on the part of these organizers.
Given that, this cancellation comes completely out of time and in violation of the cooperation agreement signed earlier, our regret is mainly from the fact that for this race had already been collected many inscriptions of Italian and foreign athletes, to who Superenduro will promptly reimburse the registration fee.
Piancavallo could also be the gateway of Eastern European athletes who are watching the growth of Superenduro and who had chosen Piancavallo for his debut.
In conclusion formalizing Piancavallo race cancel, all the staff Superenduro, very sorry, is seriously motivated to go forward to make new appointments in the north east looking for more reliable the cooperation of local organizations and destinations.