-12 Days to the start of the Vibram Enduro Trophy of the Nations event, and the fourth stage of the PRO Circuit VolksWagen4Motion SuperEnduro powered by SRAM 2011!



An electric atmosphere rolls up enduro riders and media all over the world for this great event in the international mountain biking: The Vibram Enduro MTB Tophy of the Nations scheduled for the 6 / 7 August 2011 in Sauze d’Oulx, in conjunction with the fourth stage of the Pro Circuit VolksWagen4Motion SuperEnduro Powered by SRAM.
Eager to discover all the details of the race and the names of the international athletes who will start this competition? Here is a preview of the program and the guest stars.
The official list currently includes 6 National Teams (ITALY, U.S., FRANCE, SLOVENIA, BELGIUM, ENGLAND and FINLAND) but is constantly updated. Christophe Meurice from O2 Bikers Magazine, media partner of the event, will accompany the Belgian team composed of Nicolas Casteels, Bruno Evrard e Benoît “Bofaf” Compère, while the English team is composed by Rowan Sorrel, Alex Stock, and James McKnight. Last-minute news, is the presence of the Pinkbike.com, which chooses the Vibram EMTN as the Italian event to follow closely on the rubrics of one of the most clicked web mag in the world.
But this special edition, the fourth PRO stage of the VolksWagen4Motion SuperEnduro powered by SRAM, is not only the race of the great names but also the one of new entries on the routes that bikers will have to attend. Breathtaking as we are used Sauze, always challenging and rich flow, this year with several new sections and the entry of an important new addition: the SuperMountain, 1000 meters of negative drop and departure from Rocce Nere, a descent that wants to be driven all without hesitation!
To have some data on the stages and the competition program and starting to consider the most appropriate settings for your bike, read the race sheet here.


The competition consists of about 38km on Saturday with a total drop of about 3.800m and 20km on Sunday with “only” 1.900m of drop.
In a race like this the resistance counts a lot and beside the bike settings, definitely will win the rider who will be able to manage well the energy and push at the right time. The large vertical drop and the high altitude can play bad jokes even on the most prepared and the long special stages as the new SuperMountain or the famous Rocce Nere, can capture all unprepared.
This special edition of the MTB Enduro Vibram Tophy of the Nations, the fourth stage of the Pro Circuit VolksWagen4Motion SuperEnduro powered by SRAM will be a riot of colors, flags and bikers, all gathered by a common language: the enduro!

Important Note
We remind all participants the obligation to have a valid card issued by any authority of the council, without which you can’t take the start of the race.
For the foreign riders are considered valid all the cards recognized by the UCI.
If you don’t have one, it’s possible to make a daily card at the race direction, but before you have to present an appropriate medical certificate for competitive sports (cycling) issued by an Italian doctor for sports or by the ASL.
